340B RxCorrelate
340B savings by capturing referrals
This intelligent module of 340B Architect assists covered entities with identifying prescriptions that may have resulted from a referral to an outside provider.
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Do good while growing a good business
Macro Helix customers that use 340B Architect get the added benefit of 340B RxCorrelateSM without incurring additional costs for the module. We want to help you run your 340B program with confidence and reassurance that you can refer eligible patients to outside providers and still capture savings for new prescriptions. Our innovative technology uses pharmacy data to identify these opportunities intelligently and conveniently from one software platform.
Benefits of RxCorrelate
340B Written LocationSM and 340B MonitorSM
Simplify important and complex operational tasks
Our innovative platform provides additional opportunities to optimize how you work. 340B Written Location tests and qualifies electronic prescriptions for 340B eligibility both inside and outside your facility. 340B Monitor alerts covered entity users of possible actions needed to maintain compliance, and assists with prioritizing day-to-day tasks.
We answer your questions about capturing 340B referrals.