Is Contrast Media An Outpatient Drug?

Tips for covered entities that choose to include radiology products in their 340B program.
May 3, 2022
3 min.
Manage 340b rebates easily
Uneeta Palmer
Director, Communications

For covered entities that choose to include radiology products in their 340B program here are a few things to consider:

TrackingEach 340B purchase must be traced back to an outpatient charge at an eligible location, so having auditable records of which NDC each patient received is critical.

MeasurementIt can be difficult to measure exactly what quantity of product the patient received, so be sure you can accurately document the product amounts that were dispensed.

Data FeedEach patient charge for these products must flow to your TPA in order to accumulate 340B packages.

If you choose to use 340B for Radiology Products this needs to be documented in your company's Policies and Procedures.

Learn more about GPO Prohibition and how it works with Radiology Products and your 340B Program.

If you choose to use 340B for Radiology Products this needs to be documented in your company's Policies and Procedures.